Tuesday, August 11, 2009

About DaLipstickBandit

Felicia York was born in raised in Brooklyn, NY. Her artist father taught her the beauty in each face and feature while her mother steadily climbing the corporate ladder taught her the art of being pragmatic and pratical. She combines both of these in her approach to her art yet reliable professional demeanor and affordable rates. Self-taught, she combines the traditional methods of make-up artistry with the feel that you and your girlfriends are just hanging out getting glam together.


Why did you name yourself DaLipstickBandit?

DaLipstickBandit started kind of as a joke between myself and an ex-boyfriend. We were both fascinated by graffiti culture. I told him I would be a lady graffiti artist since they are few and far between. He asked what I would name myself. I said DaLipstickBandit. Moving forward, I grew to like the funky imagery that would come up with the name - the mysterious woman that glamifies you in the middle of the night..pow pow..she strikes agan!


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